The Tri-Dot Company Store

2413 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 225, Las Vegas, Nv. 89104

 The Lazar Tape: Includes the "Excerpts from the Government Bible" which are excerpts from S4 briefings read by ex-government scientist Bob Lazar. This video employs elementary visuals to explain disc technology & interstellar travel to the layperson.

$29.95 + $3.50 shipping & handling


The S4 Poster: A 22" x 33" high quality print of the "Sport Model" disc, dimensions and its components. The background is a Soviet satellite photo of the Papoose Lake area of central Nevada. Indicate if you would like the poster signed by Bob & what you'd like it to say.

$15.00 + $4.50 shipping & handling


T-Shirts: Coming soon!


"They're Here" Poster: An exact replica of the poster that was on the walls of the S4 installation. The poster portrays the "Sport Model" flying disc hovering in "Omicron" configuration above Papoose dry lakebed. The poster is not yet available, but will be printed in the near future. When available, ordering info will be posted here.

$Not Yet Available


Mail check or money order to: Tri-Dot Productions, Suite #225, Las Vegas, Nv. 89104

For fastest delivery, please send a money order or cashier's check. A personal / company check will be

held an additional 10 days for funds to clear.


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